I kept a journal during the trip, so I had detailed notes about Days 1 – 8. I did not make a journal entry on Day 9. However, I will always remember the events of that day. Continue reading Medjugorje Blog Day 9 – May 16, 2016
Monthly Archives: July 2016
Medjugorje Blog Day 8 – May 15, 2016
Pentecost Sunday would be our final full day in Medjugorje. There was no other opportunity to pray together on Apparition Hill, so at 6 AM, off we went. Continue reading Medjugorje Blog Day 8 – May 15, 2016
Medjugorje Blog Day 7 – May 14, 2016
There was a thunderstorm during my morning shower, and we lost power, but fortunately the outage was very brief. Breakfast was followed by morning prayer in Ivan’s chapel. Then we had a bus trip to a local orphanage called Mother’s Village, which had been built because of children who were orphaned by the war in Bosnia Continue reading Medjugorje Blog Day 7 – May 14, 2016
Medjugorje Day 6 – May 13, 2016
I haven’t explained about pronunciation. Medjugorje is pronounced Med-ju-gor-ya. Ivan’s name is pronounced the same as the woman’s name Yvonne, and Vicka’s name is pronounced Vitzka. Vicka was one of the original visionaries along with Ivan. She still lives in the area, and she gives audiences every day. Continue reading Medjugorje Day 6 – May 13, 2016
Medjugorje Blog Day 5 – May 12, 2016
Breakfast was early on Thursday, because Father Dan from our group would be the main celebrant at the English mass, and we wanted to get there in time to get a seat up front. We arrived more than an hour early, at which time worshippers were entering the church for the German mass. Neither JoAnn nor I understands German, but we went in and stayed for the mass. Continue reading Medjugorje Blog Day 5 – May 12, 2016
Medjugorje Blog Day 4 – May 11, 2016
The long walk the night before was very hard on my bladder, but fortunately, I had my medication with me. I took a pill during the night but I knew I would be unable to participate in the morning’s activities. Continue reading Medjugorje Blog Day 4 – May 11, 2016
Medjugorje Blog Day 3 – May 10, 2016
Tuesday began with a big breakfast: scrambled eggs, cheese, cold cuts, toast, various jams, and Nutella. It is so easy to fill your plate when all the food is put in front of you, and you don’t have to do any of the preparing or the cleaning up! Continue reading Medjugorje Blog Day 3 – May 10, 2016