Cruise to Alaska, Day 8 — September 6, 2024

I have neglected to mention that upon arrival on the ship, everyone is given a “medallion” (RFID tag) that is used to make purchases. It can also be used to identify the location of the passengers. On Friday morning, after making my breakfast selections, I couldn’t find Nick. I found a uniformed crew member and told her my problem. She used my medallion to locate Nick’s medallion and  in that way, we were able to find each other. We didn’t have to worry about our breakfasts getting cold. I had chosen slices of cantaloupe, honeydew, and watermelon, while Nick had selected a chocolate croissant and a brioche covered in sliced almonds.

Ship’s Naturalist

On this day, our ship would be “at sea,” beginning the journey back to Seattle. Every day the passengers are given information about the activities that are available for participation. There are opportunities to engage in dance, arts and crafts, bingo, shopping, and many more. Nick wanted to hear a talk by the ship’s naturalist about whales, and I also found it  to be of interest.

After lunch, Nick went back to our stateroom for a nap, while Dawn and I decided to do some laundry. There were others in the laundry room, one ironing, and another trying to locate a missing sock. While our things were being washed, Dawn and I got some exercise by walking the length of the long hallway between staterooms on both sides, port and starboard. While we were doing that, Nick awoke and went to a demonstration about how the ship is steered. Later we got together for trivia. We were allowed to work in teams, which was fun for Nick and me, and we came in second in the contest.

Facts about the ship
Facts about the ship

At dinner, we again had the opportunity to choose from some individually prepared main courses. Nick ordered lamb chops. As for me, being in the area in which salmon is at its freshest, I ordered salmon. Both were incredibly delicious! In the dessert area, a chef was making crepes. We filled one with vanilla ice cream,  topping that with orange marmalade and sprinkles, and shared it.

After dinner, the show in  the theater was great, as were the shows we had seen each night before. What an effort it is for the  very talented cast and crew to put on a completely different performance each night of the cruise. They all had different choreography and technological elements. Dawn, Bunny and I felt that we were starting to get over our colds.

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