Visit to our Friends in Paris
September 6–12, 2015

  • The symbol of our beloved Paris.
    • Places we visited on our walking tour.
    • Prophetically, we visited the Paris mosque.
    • The Muslim Institue of the Paris Mosque.
      • The ceiling.
      • Jardin des Plantes
        • These monk parakeets also live in Westport and nearby Bridgeport.
          • Our walk toward the Seine continues.
                • A walk along the Seine with its boats and barges.
                    • These posters were all over town.
                    • So many flavors to choose from.
                    • Parisian street scene.
                    • Love locks are still everywhere in Paris.
                    • The Musée Picasso
                    • An early work, the start of a progression.
                            • A nice Parisian lunch at the Musée Picasso.
                            • Musée Carnavalet, featured the history of Paris.
                                  • Louis XIV.
                                  • Holocaust Museum. Lists of the victims.
                                    • Our friends prepare dinner.
                                        • A birthday celebration.
                                          • Giverny—
Monet’s studio and garden.
                                          • Monet’s house at Giverny.
                                          • Acres of flowers.
                                                • Water lilies, a favorite subject of Monet.