China, Day 16 – June 11, 2018

We awoke at 4 AM, but because we had gone to bed at 8 PM, we had eight hours of sleep and felt refreshed. We spent the early hours sending messages to family and friends. Later at the school, our breakfast was rice in broth, two buns, and a tofu/seaweed combination. The snack was cookies and yogurt.

Later, we were taken to see an English class in session. When we arrived, the children were finishing their snack of watermelon  and cookies. At home, there would be at least one child who would say, “I’m not hungry,” or “I  don’t like watermelon,” but here every child ate the snack without complaint.

After snack, the teacher played a video about a shark, and the children  sang along and did the movements. The next activity was about emotions. The teacher said a word that described a feeling, and she asked for a volunteer to make his or her face match the word.  All the children shouted in unison, “Teacher, teacher, let me try.” They continued this activity until all twenty of the children had a  turn.

The next group sang and did the movements to “Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes.” Then they played a game about animals. The teacher said the name of an animal, and each child  moved as the animal would. After this, it was time for the children’s dinner.

Again, we asked Eric and Julian if we could join them for dinner. Eric had figured out how to call a cab on his cell phone.  We didn’t know the name or address of the mall at which the restaurants were located, but we knew there was a Kentucky Fried Chicken there, so that is where he asked the driver to take us. When we arrived at the mall, we walked into a different restaurant.  We ordered chilled water (typically hot water is served), snow peas in a lovely dressing, fish in spicy oil, pork belly with broccoli and yams, and seafood in white broth. Then we had slices of duck.

The cost of this feast was $23 for the both of us. We decided to walk back to our residence to burn off a few calories.

8,400 steps


2 thoughts on “China, Day 16 – June 11, 2018

  1. Ditto for the food descriptions and I love the pictures you posted as well!

  2. Love the food descriptions Grest writeups forFood and Wine Cooking Light would not be happy Gorgeous weather here Nick would enjoy the speaker on farming She wants all to dig up their yards and farm Last year was NASA speaker.

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