Category Archives: Basque Country 2023

Our Rick Steves tour of Basque country and visiting our friends in Cap Ferret, France.

Basque Country, Day 14–16 — September 18–20, 2023

We awoke to a rainy, windy day, which we all thought was perfect  for reading. Nick and I took out our Kindles and settled in. After awhile, Agnès asked me what I was reading. She became very excited when I told her that it was one of the books in the No. 1  Ladies’ Detective Agency series, which are set in Botswana, and feature a charming group of regular characters . She told me that she has read every book in the series. Continue reading Basque Country, Day 14–16 — September 18–20, 2023

Basque Country, Day 13 — September 17, 2023

José-Maria walked to a nearby shop for fresh croissants for  our breakfast. Then he and Agnès took us to a nearby village. It, too, was a former fishermen’s village, and many of the houses had remained untouched from their original construction, while others have additions and fresh coats of paint. The primary catch now is oysters. The town has many cafes that serve only oysters. Nick enjoys oysters  very much. He insisted that I have tasted them previously, but I have no memory of eating them. Continue reading Basque Country, Day 13 — September 17, 2023

Basque Country, Day 11 — September 15, 2023

The breakfast buffet featured eggs, cold cuts, breads, cereals, and desserts. There were also slices of  fresh pineapple and oranges. Then we had a walk though town. Todd led us to the mercado (market) where we had a “coffee break.”  I convinced Nick  that we needed a vegetable. We shared a slice of carrot cake. Continue reading Basque Country, Day 11 — September 15, 2023

Basque Country, Day 9 — September 13, 2023

After breakfast, we met our local tour leader, whose name was pronounced “Jo-nay.” As were our previous local guides, she was extremely knowledgeable. She told us that people from her town love food, and they also love exercising, such as by participating in marathons, hiking, and swimming. In fact, she said she had swum across Concha Bay  and has hiked the entire Camino, but she did sections of it on different days rather than all at once. Continue reading Basque Country, Day 9 — September 13, 2023

Basque Country, Day 7 — September 11, 2023

We began our day by learning that one member of our group had hurt her ankle while walking in the cobblestone streets. Fortunately, her ankle was not broken. Then we began walking in the rain.

We met Leo,  our tour guide for the city of Pamplona. He made a good impression by taking us to a cafe that enabled us to take shelter from the rain and to warm up with coffee, tea or hot chocolate, with Spanish cookies that are known in  New York as Italian cookies.

Continue reading Basque Country, Day 7 — September 11, 2023

Basque Country, Day 6 — September 10, 2023

After breakfast, we  boarded our bus for Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port,  the town  in France from which  many Camino walkers begin their arduous journey.  Centuries ago, it was declared that remains found 500 miles away in Compostela, Spain, were those of the apostle James the Greater. For many centuries, pilgrims have walked the trail for religious reasons, but now we met walkers from several continents whose reasons for walking the Camino were as varied as they were. Continue reading Basque Country, Day 6 — September 10, 2023

Basque Country, Day 5 — September 9, 2023

After breakfast, we learned that Bayonne gave its name to  a musket with a blade attached that was originally used by hunters in the 1600s, but eventually became a weapon: the bayonet.
Todd led us to the cathedral. Nick and I had already been there, but it was a much richer experience having both Todd and a local guide who lives in the town. The cathedral is a UNESCO World Heritage site, as is the entire town. The area was once called Aquitaine. Eleanor of Aquitaine was the mother of Richard the Lionheart. Continue reading Basque Country, Day 5 — September 9, 2023

Basque County, Day 4 — September 8, 2023

Today’s temperature was expected to  be cooler, reaching a high of only 89 degrees. H’mm. The breakfast buffet was as tempting and yesterday’s, but we noticed that there were also “American” foods such as cold cereal, pancakes,  and yogurt,  and  also a variety of cold meats, cheeses, and fruit. After breakfast, we decided to go for a walk on the town’s ramparts. Continue reading Basque County, Day 4 — September 8, 2023

Preparing for a New Travel Adventure

Nick and I enjoy travel very much, but several years  have passed since our last trip. This is due in part because of  Covid, and  also because  we have each had a variety of medical issues that needed our attention. In early summer, we were very pleased that our doctors declared us to be  in excellent health, and  they cleared us for travel. Continue reading Preparing for a New Travel Adventure