Category Archives: France 2015

Trip to France, Day 14

Day 14
Sunday September 20

After saying adieu to Sarlat, we left for Arles. At the lunch stop, Nick and I shared a salad, quiche and crème caramel. After crossing two parking lots and a highway to reach the ATM in the gas station, we discovered that the machine wouldn’t take the credit card we had been using all along. It’s a necessity to take more than one card!

We were back on the bus to medieval Carcassone, DSE_8980 Continue reading Trip to France, Day 14

Trip to France, Day 10

Day 10
Wednesday September 16

Chinon is known for its walnuts. I loved my breakfast of homemade walnut bread with homemade jams. Soon we left to visit the Chateau de Villandry, known for its spectacular gardens.DSE_8522 The day would have been more enjoyable had there been less rainfall, but with our umbrellas and rain jackets keeping us dry, we wandered through the gardens admiring the plants and their phenomenal landscaping. Continue reading Trip to France, Day 10