Several friends and family members have written to tell me that as a care giver, I must remember to take care of myself. Of course they are right, and I thought I was doing well at that. I’ve been eating properly, and I’ve been walking. I’ve been sleeping better. Writing this blog is a release for me. But yesterday I developed an awful sore throat, and my lips and tongue are covered with white, painful bumps. Continue reading The Care Giver
Monthly Archives: June 2014
Week #4
Week #4 is done. That means Nick has had 20 of 35 radiation treatments and 5 of 8 chemo treatments. We’re very excited that each day brings us closer to completion of these treatments so that we can get our lives back. Nick is deeply touched by all the warm, heartfelt messages from friends and family. Continue reading Week #4
“Managing cancer is a full time job.”
Nick began a new consulting job at the same time that he started his cancer treatments. I am grateful to his employer for allowing him to take a leave of absence until he is able to work again. I applaud Shelly’s employer for doing that as well. But there are many of us who don’t or can’t take time off from our jobs, for a variety of reasons. Continue reading “Managing cancer is a full time job.”
Food, Glorious Food
If you know Nick, you know he loves food. Often we marvel that he can consume the quantities of food he does without gaining weight. When you have cancer, though, that’s not a positive thing. Continue reading Food, Glorious Food
Knowing what was ahead, we tried to add fun things to our calendar whenever we could. They included:
• A road trip to North Carolina during Spring Break in April. We enjoyed a visit with my cousin Janet in Raleigh, and a visit with Nick’s cousin Nick in Winston-Salem. Lots of details and photos are at Continue reading Fun
How It Began
Back in December, Nick discovered a lump in his neck while he was shaving. He pointed it out to his internist at his next check-up. Doctor H. was not alarmed. He suggested that it might be just an infection reaction.
However, come February, the lump remained. Doctor H. said it was good that Nick returned to him to have it rechecked. He arranged for Nick to have an ultrasound of his neck area. The results were that the lump was either a swollen lymph node caused by either infection, or lymphoma, or squamous cell carcinoma. Infection, please let it be you! Continue reading How It Began
About This Blog
Dear Friends and Family,
We began our blog in 2014 to keep our friends and family informed of our health issues. Since then, it has become a journal of our travel adventures.
Happy travels!
Friday, June 6, 2014
Thursday, June 5, 2014. On Thursdays Nick gets both chemo and radiation. He had his 8th dose of radiation out of 35, and his 3rd of chemo out of 8. He explained his various discomforts to his oncologist, who readjusted the meds. That worked out well, because Nick woke up this morning after a good night’s sleep with more energy and fewer skin problems. Continue reading Friday, June 6, 2014
Video of a Radiation Treatment
Here is a video of Nick receiving a radiation treatment.
A treatment session at Norwalk Hospital in Norwalk Connecticut. This is a speed up. The actual session took about 15 minutes.
Nick is being treated for a Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the back of the tongue. His prospects are excellent.
P.S. Like something out of a science fiction movie.
June 2nd, 2014
Nick has had 4 radiation and 2 chemo treatments. His next radiation treatment is today at 2 PM.